Unique Content on foxsportsnorth.com

Flag Raisers & National Anthem Profiles
Jay Lawrence, a Minnesota native, a veteran and a decorated military journalist profiles all of the Target Field flag raisers and National Anthem performances on foxsportsnorth.com. To view all of Jay's profiles: http://tinyurl.com/25m4out

Excerpt: "Call him 'Buddy'." Everyone does. No one knows why, but for the past 88 years, Staff Sgt. George (Buddy) Shurson has answered to that name. Buddy went on over 50 combat missions in World War II. As an engineer gunner on a B-17, Buddy and his weapon were responsible for protecting his flying can of explosives from enemy anti-aircraft batteries and interceptor fighter planes..."
To read Buddy’s full profile:

“Fan of the Game” Profiles
The game of baseball in general would be nothing without fans. Therefore, foxsportsnorth.com is honoring the members of the Twins team that often go unheralded, the fans. To view all of the "Fan of the Game" profiles: http://tinyurl.com/27jhz6f

Excerpt: “Emily Guidera got a pretty stellar start as a Twins fan. While living in California, her father took a trip to apply for a job in Minnesota. He brought back a book for Emily all about Kirby Puckett…” To read Emily’s full profile: http://tinyurl.com/289jrh2