Guy Crush: Vampires of Hollywood!

Just in time for Halloween, I get to spout off about one of my true loves...
There's just too many, and its hard to choose just one--those lusty, brooding, sad-infinitely tortured souls, they certainly do get this girl in a tizzy.

So on this Halloween, I present you with a countdown of my 5 fave vampire guy crushes...straight outta Hollywood:

#5: Colin Farell in "Fright Night"
-this movie just came out over the summer (so you can netflix it sooner or later)...and Mr. Farell plays a handyman nextdoor neighbor...Um HOT!
But wait a minute; he needs blood to survive!
(Blood, sweat, dirt, guys in wife beaters...yeah look at that!)

#4: The dudes from "The Lost Boys"
-Really, do I even need to explain why I'm so attracted to this group?
Their clothing and looks alone are enough to drive my 80s lovin' self mad.
And a young Keifer Sutherland straight outta '87 is kinda easy on the eyes

#3: R. Patz as Edward Cullen in "Twilight"
-C'mon, even hardass girls like Joan Threat has a jr. high, 14yr old, crush from time to time.
Robert Pattinson is sooooooooo that guy!
He whispers a lot and says sweet-nothings to that one chick, Bella (or ironically enough didn't she portray Joan Jett in a certain movie a lil' while back?  Um, do I not try to portray Ms. Jett on a daily basis?  Oh the similarities).
Yeah, R. Patz has got my heart going "pitter patter".
-laugh it up ladies, I'm not ashamed that me and every 7th grade female out there has a thing for him.

#2: Gary Oldman in "Bram Stoker's Dracula"
-It's hard to find a way not to be attracted to this vampire's old world charms.
Quite the dapper gent in his younger form, although I cannot say the same about some of the other appearances he takes on thru the course of the movie...but the young Dracula?  YES PLEASE
-and btw, this is one of my favorite books and movies of all Gary Oldham and a great storyline, you can't go wrong!

But there's only one Hollywood vampire hottie that has my heart 100%...its not hard to figure out if you've known me since I was 13.  When I was 13 I fell hard and fast for the cowboy hitchhiker in "Thelma and Louise" it goes without saying, I'm going to fall twice as hard for the same man when he's wearing vampire shoes.
My #1 Hollywood Vampire guy Crush is none other than:
(insert drumroll)
Brad Pitt as LOUIS in "Interview w/the Vampire"
Those piercing green eyes, his hot babyface pale and vein-y...wayyyyyyyyy HOTTER than his blood is cold!
His fangs, his love for his child vampire Claudia, his interview he gives to Christian Slater...the whole movie had me riveted and to this day is still one of my it is just that much better when Brad Pitt comes on the screen and I get to fix my gaze on his portrayal of Louis.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh goodness golly, he's got the blood in my veins boiling...and as a vampire, he might not be able to resist that.
Unfortunately, someone should remind me, he's only fiction.
(but guy crush worthy fiction, no?)

So happy halloween readers!
Hope you have your own little monster crush of some sort...
For'll always be the bloodthirsty vampires!

xx Joan Threat xx

A Day at the Farm

After our mellow slumber party last weekend, the Dolls got up with the sun and made our way to the Queens Farm for some good ol' fashioned Fall festivities.

Upon waiting for the train, we noticed we were all paired off quite nicely:

 Stevie Kicks and Joan Threat rockin leather jackets

 FOD Sarah and Mess Demeanor sportin solid color jackets

And Stevie, Kill E. and Snowflake with plaid on

A few photos from around the farm

Some of the farms residents

Sarah and Mess Demeanor being cute

After we gawked at the animals and the adorableness of the farm, we made our way over to the pumpkin patch
 Snowflake looking darling with the pumpkins


DTD Holiday photo, perhaps? (we'll photoshop Scarlet Fever in)

After we each picked out our magical pumpkins, we took a hay ride around the farm

JT, Stevie, Snowflake, Mess Demeanor, and Kill E gearing up for the hay ride!!

After our adventure on the hay ride we checked out the local produce and bought a few goodies from the gift shop

It was a great day with the ladies and a much needed break from the city. Thanks for the memories, dolls!

Kill E. Kapowski

UC Bearcats Basketball on FSOhio

FOX Sports Ohio is pleased to announce its University of Cincinnati Bearcats 2011-12 basketball telecast schedule, presented by Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky Honda Dealers. The network will produce six men’s and two women’s games this season. In addition, the network will carry six men’s basketball games as part of the BIG EAST Network, bringing the total to 14 UC basketball games on the

Announcing Flyers Hoops Schedule

FOX Sports Ohio, the regional home of Dayton Flyers basketball, and the University of Dayton announced today its men’s basketball package for the 2011-2012 season.

FOX Sports Ohio will produce and televise six men’s basketball games. Tip-off for the first Flyers game on FOX Sports Ohio is Wednesday, November 30th as Dayton hosts Buffalo. A complete schedule is HERE.

Play-by-play announcer

Currently Obsessed

And we're back with another week of current obsessions. The Dolls are now in full Fall mode and that means Halloween is just around the corner! I guess it's one of our main obsessions...

Joan Threat starts us off with ALL THINGS SPOOKY and HALLOWEEN-y as her obsession.  This is the last week to get uber festive for one of her fave holidays EVER!

Mess Demeanor's current obsession is the Bust DIY Guide to life.  Not only is it full of useful tips for how to live a more creative and independent life, but yours truly is featured on page 136!!  Check it.

Perfect just in time for Halloween, Damned by Chuck Palahniuk is Scarlet Fever's obsession .  If you get it soon enough you'll be able to finish it on Monday.

Fittingly, Kill E. Kapowski's new obsession is baking. Finding out that some of her fave baked goods were so bad for you while sifting through mounds of butter, sugar and cinnamon all in the name of making some delicious cinnamon rolls from scratch.

Stevie Kicks' current obsession is the dolls! After a tough week of boy drama, it's always good to have rad gals around for a friend, a shot, a hug, a punch, a joke, a piece of candy (thanks JT). You girls are the best.

Last but not least, Snowflake can't get enough of Mindy Kaling's blog: The Concerns of Mindy Kaling. Filled with stories of her childhood, showcasing things she's bought and any other tidbits this witty writer has to offer is always a fun read. Can't wait for her book to come out as well!

Halloween show!

The Dolls will be reppin' in all their vested glory this Thursday night at this amazing cover band event! Swing by Death by Audio in Williamsburg and say hi, stay for the music and buy a re-worked vintage t-shirt (with proceeds going to Permanent wave so they can continue putting on cool events like this one!).

Golden Girls

I'm not gonna lie - sometimes when I hang out with the Dolls the lyrics to the Golden Girls theme song go thru my head.  Not only because I want to thank them for being friends right now, but because I like the idea of us being sassy old ladies together as well.

We had another one of our regular slumber parties on Friday (which thanks to a coworker we will now be calling pajama parties) and it was the first time that we were all kind of tired and comfortable enough with each other to be perfectly content to NOT go wild, not get silly drunk and literally just watch TV and hang out.  We've reached the "Let's just stay in a watch a movie" stage in our relationship. 

You know when Joan Threat instantly throws on pjs and takes out her contacts we've reached a level of comfort reserved for true best buds. 

But as our relationship grows and strengthens, we have to learn to deals with some ups and downs.  It was tough to have to say goodbye to one of our own, but we are so happy for Mickie Dagger and wish her all the best in her new endeavors.  Plus, now we have a great reason to take the pajama parties down to Philly.  Look out, City of Brotherly Love, we're about to teach you a thing or two about sisterly love!

We're gonna miss you, Mickie.  xo

We always have some sort of craft project at these parties, so for the spirit of Halloween we decided to make voodoo dolls.  Not the kind that you use to inflict harm.  They're positive voodoo dolls and the pins  you choose represent good things like health and success. 

Before cutting the sticks for the dolls down to size, Kill E Kepowski channels some Halloween scary spirit.

Joan and Kill E use my trusty SWORD to cut the sticks down.  Amazing that no blood was shed.  

Snowflake marches to the beat of her own drum making her own style of voodoo doll, all while sitting in the coolest chair ever.  

Joan, Stevie and Kill E wrapping the dolls in moss.  Did I mention that these are gonna be kinda weird and scary looking?

Phase one of the voodoo dolls complete.  

Stay tuned to see the finished results.  And ladies, "Thank you for being a friend..."

Love and punches,
Mess Demeanor

"Countdown to Face Off" Builds Excitement for Blue Jackets

In preparation for Columbus Blue Jackets season, FOX Sports Ohio launched a preseason promotional campaign, “Countdown to Face Off,” to create excitement for the upcoming season.

Highlights include:

*Special preseason programs, including a Summer Tour show shot in Canada

*Fans selected Showcase Games via voting on

*Marketing campaign including player profile spots,

Xavier Musketeers Basketball on FOX Sports Ohio

FOX Sports Ohio, the television home of Xavier Musketeers basketball, and Xavier University announced its complete Xavier men’s basketball package for the 2011-2012 season.

Xavier’s 2011-12 schedule on FOX Sports Ohio includes 14 regular season games, consisting of eight games locally-produced by FOX Sports Ohio, five games produced by CBS Sports Network, and one FSN national game. There is

Currently Obsessed

Our doll Kill E. Kapowski is currently obsessed with this Nixon Shutter SS watch. A great balance of masculine and feminine, with jus the right touch of vintage.

Scarlet Fever's new daily ritual is stopping by Spices and Tease for a large tea on the go. Not only is she saving half of what she spends at Starbucks, but they have an amazing Gingerbread black tea!

Jewelry lover, Stevie Kicks is obsessed with Catbird. Stocked full of vintage looking pieces with affordable prices!

Snowflake has always been obsessed with Lush's Big shampoo. The sea salt, lime juice and seaweed infusion will turn any limp locks into mermaid like hair.

Mess Demeanor can't help but bring the geek girl out with these glasses from Bonlook. At $99 for a complete pair of prescription glasses plus they donate 1% of all sales to the Hellen Keller International Organization.

Joan Threat is obsessed with all things PUMPKIN! Picking, carving, eating. She's especially excited to try this pumpkin seed roasting recipe!

Gutter Girls

There's one thing that brings the Dolls together like no other...and that's Bowling!!!

Its a sport we can all participate in, be our skills good or bad. 
We get to share a few laughs, high five like bros, hoot and holler, and just have fun!

Some of us excel more than others...a hem, Snowflake!
Believe me...that girl can bowl a mean game; not quite a 300, but she really knows how to knock down a few pins.
September 029
As many of you know, we frequent The Gutter often.  Its our favorite spot to bowl a few strikes, pick up a spare, and mostly throw a few gutter balls.
Not only is The Gutter our fave bowling alley, its also our gang's clubhouse, so of course we're going to stick to the tried and true and offer up our support to this fine establishment when we want to hit the alley.
September 035
So with our fondness for the fine sport of bowling, and the lack of real pro-bowling skills, I still wonder when the dolls are gonna toss around the idea of joining a league.
It only makes sense right?
Even if we suck at it, how cool would we be if we laced up our shoes every week and had matching uniforms?
(you know, cause the matching vest, clearly is not enough-haha).
I personally would prefer a set of vintage bowling shirts for my dolls.
It would be awesome to have something like this, only with our logo on the back.
We'd completely be a terror on the lanes, even if our scores didn't intimidate, our dagger glares would do the trick and take care of the rest.

So if we could ever find the spare time (full pun intended...get it? SPARE), I'm almost certain the Dolls would LOVE to be on a bowling league.  What do you think?  You think we should join???
I don't even need you to answer that...the response is obviously going to be an unanimous YES!

But now, just to get you in the spirit and to get your mind outta the gutter, I leave you with a few fun facts that I find interesting, considering the Dolls love this sport, and we're in NY!

1.) Did you know its called a "BROOKLYN" when you get a strike after hitting the lefthand side of the head pin 
(for a right handed bowler)
2.) The first indoor bowling alley was built in NYC in 1840, 
it was called "Knickerbockers"
3.) By the 1800s, NY was appointed the "
Unofficial Capital of Bowling"
4.) On September 9, 1895 (coincidence 9/9 is also Snowflake's birthday??? hmmmm), the first standardize rules on bowling were formed in New York.
5.) Some guy named "Keith" is the current top score at the Gutter; a whoppin' 289!

So kids, why not test your hand at being one cool alley cat?  Lace up those stinky shoes, put your fingers into a grimy ball, score yourself a Turkey, and we'll hopefully see you at the lanes!
And of course, just HAVE FUN BOWLING!!!!