Gutter Girls

There's one thing that brings the Dolls together like no other...and that's Bowling!!!

Its a sport we can all participate in, be our skills good or bad. 
We get to share a few laughs, high five like bros, hoot and holler, and just have fun!

Some of us excel more than others...a hem, Snowflake!
Believe me...that girl can bowl a mean game; not quite a 300, but she really knows how to knock down a few pins.
September 029
As many of you know, we frequent The Gutter often.  Its our favorite spot to bowl a few strikes, pick up a spare, and mostly throw a few gutter balls.
Not only is The Gutter our fave bowling alley, its also our gang's clubhouse, so of course we're going to stick to the tried and true and offer up our support to this fine establishment when we want to hit the alley.
September 035
So with our fondness for the fine sport of bowling, and the lack of real pro-bowling skills, I still wonder when the dolls are gonna toss around the idea of joining a league.
It only makes sense right?
Even if we suck at it, how cool would we be if we laced up our shoes every week and had matching uniforms?
(you know, cause the matching vest, clearly is not enough-haha).
I personally would prefer a set of vintage bowling shirts for my dolls.
It would be awesome to have something like this, only with our logo on the back.
We'd completely be a terror on the lanes, even if our scores didn't intimidate, our dagger glares would do the trick and take care of the rest.

So if we could ever find the spare time (full pun intended...get it? SPARE), I'm almost certain the Dolls would LOVE to be on a bowling league.  What do you think?  You think we should join???
I don't even need you to answer that...the response is obviously going to be an unanimous YES!

But now, just to get you in the spirit and to get your mind outta the gutter, I leave you with a few fun facts that I find interesting, considering the Dolls love this sport, and we're in NY!

1.) Did you know its called a "BROOKLYN" when you get a strike after hitting the lefthand side of the head pin 
(for a right handed bowler)
2.) The first indoor bowling alley was built in NYC in 1840, 
it was called "Knickerbockers"
3.) By the 1800s, NY was appointed the "
Unofficial Capital of Bowling"
4.) On September 9, 1895 (coincidence 9/9 is also Snowflake's birthday??? hmmmm), the first standardize rules on bowling were formed in New York.
5.) Some guy named "Keith" is the current top score at the Gutter; a whoppin' 289!

So kids, why not test your hand at being one cool alley cat?  Lace up those stinky shoes, put your fingers into a grimy ball, score yourself a Turkey, and we'll hopefully see you at the lanes!
And of course, just HAVE FUN BOWLING!!!!