It's that time of the month again...that time we announce to the world just who our awesome FOD OF THE MONTH is!
This time, gracing October with her face and our gang with her presence we've got...drumroll please....


Let's see what this girl is all about, shall we?

1.) How'd you find your path crossing with the Downtown Dolls...just how did you and the gang become friends?
I attended a fashion swap held on Joan Threat's roof. I also met Mess Demeanor and Snowflake at the event and I immediately realized these girls had style with a little extra bang.
2.) What do you do for work, play, extra-curriculars???
I'm a photo editor by day and at other times I do it all: shoot (photographs, not people), write for Brokelyn.com, see a whole lotta music, and never miss a brunch. I have a weakness for puppies (oddly enough dachshunds, same as last month's FOD and shiba inus), ketchup, British television, and lately, Pinterest.

3.) Tell us something quirky about YOU, that maybe even the DTD don't know.
I lived in London several times growing up and although I was born in Manhattan, I most identify with this European city. If that's not quirky enough for you, I'm also deathly afraid of fish.
(Yes, any kind. Yes, even goldfish). 

4.) What's your favorite food?  Any excellent restaurants you and the dolls should hit up at some point in the near future?
I've been a vegetarian for over 16 years but I recently returned to a vegan diet. I absolutely love scouting out vegan spots, as well as vegan-friendly spots. I'm a big fan of The V Spot (also a fave of doll Snowflake) and the "chicken" teryaki vegan pizza at Vinnie's. Other favorites include Spring Street Natural and Stogo for a sweet treat.
5.) Being a FOD means rollin' with the dolls and throwin' down for the dolls.  If they found themselves in a bind and needed some backup, what weapon would you wanna be toting around with you...ummm just in case, ya know...the situation escalated?
I'd probably use some sort of nerdy and extremely cunning reverse psychology. That's sexy, right? In high school, I made a mural for our school with a huge peace sign and woven flowers throughout it. Need I say more?

6.) What's your favorite part of being a FOD?
These girls are the best. I have a feeling they'd probably have my back in case of hurricane, fire, famine, or flood. A little black eyeliner goes a long way in a crisis situation.

7.) What do you plan to do with your month long role as FOD OF THE MONTH?  Gloat to anyone and everyone?  Or just revel silently and bask in the "awesomeness" of knowing you're the DTDs fave FOD for October?
Whoa, well for now, I'm gonna sit here a blush a little. When that passes, I'll be out on the town celebrating Joan Threat's birthday and moving one block away from Mess Demeanor. I'll be borrowing lots of cups of sugar from that doll.
Um, Hey Sarah, NEWS FLASH...
living this much closer to the majority of the Dolls really means more happy hours and liquidy good times! 
8.)  Any crazy fun activities you've got lined up in the near future that you're thinking the Dolls should join in on with you?  If not, no worries--we've got plenty lined up ourselves to invite YOU to.
Since I'm moving this month, and so many of the dolls live within walking distance from my new pad, I'm hoping there'll be lots of excursions to show me the ropes and all that. October also puts me in the mood to bake. Baking party? Finally, since we all have so much free time, I've always been dying to go apple picking and never have. I bet the dolls would slay a mean apple.

9.) Quick fire round...choose one QUICK
 -fruits or veggies? Freggies? 
-movie theater or netflix? Netflix. (I wish I went to the theater more. I love BAM)!
 -spring/summer or fall/winter? Fall! (Especially cause I love the word autumnal).
-magazines or novels? Lately neither...but nerd-me says novels.
-puppies or kittens? PUPPIES! (I'm also allergic to cats).
-The Great Outdoors or Cozy Indoors? Cozy Indoors: this is Brooklyn. When I live in Colorado in a tent in the mountains, it will be the Great Outdoors. 
-cross country road trip or cross country flight? Road Trip. I've never done it. I'd like to do it.
 -hugs n kisses or sneers n punches? Kisses n' Sneers
I hope that quick fire round showed you what an indecisive person I am. Or not. Maybe I'm decisive.

And there you have it...indecisive or not, there's no further decision making goin' on in terms of just who 
October's FOD of the MONTH is.
At this point, I'm sure you all can agree, Sarah brings some wit, sass, and a whole lotta fun whenever she's rollin' with the Dolls!
Thanks Sarah for being our sista from another motha...we love ya!

Interview by: Joan Threat
Pics courtesy of Sarah (thanks!)