Golden Girls

I'm not gonna lie - sometimes when I hang out with the Dolls the lyrics to the Golden Girls theme song go thru my head.  Not only because I want to thank them for being friends right now, but because I like the idea of us being sassy old ladies together as well.

We had another one of our regular slumber parties on Friday (which thanks to a coworker we will now be calling pajama parties) and it was the first time that we were all kind of tired and comfortable enough with each other to be perfectly content to NOT go wild, not get silly drunk and literally just watch TV and hang out.  We've reached the "Let's just stay in a watch a movie" stage in our relationship. 

You know when Joan Threat instantly throws on pjs and takes out her contacts we've reached a level of comfort reserved for true best buds. 

But as our relationship grows and strengthens, we have to learn to deals with some ups and downs.  It was tough to have to say goodbye to one of our own, but we are so happy for Mickie Dagger and wish her all the best in her new endeavors.  Plus, now we have a great reason to take the pajama parties down to Philly.  Look out, City of Brotherly Love, we're about to teach you a thing or two about sisterly love!

We're gonna miss you, Mickie.  xo

We always have some sort of craft project at these parties, so for the spirit of Halloween we decided to make voodoo dolls.  Not the kind that you use to inflict harm.  They're positive voodoo dolls and the pins  you choose represent good things like health and success. 

Before cutting the sticks for the dolls down to size, Kill E Kepowski channels some Halloween scary spirit.

Joan and Kill E use my trusty SWORD to cut the sticks down.  Amazing that no blood was shed.  

Snowflake marches to the beat of her own drum making her own style of voodoo doll, all while sitting in the coolest chair ever.  

Joan, Stevie and Kill E wrapping the dolls in moss.  Did I mention that these are gonna be kinda weird and scary looking?

Phase one of the voodoo dolls complete.  

Stay tuned to see the finished results.  And ladies, "Thank you for being a friend..."

Love and punches,
Mess Demeanor